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Rack up the Spices and Convenience in Your Kitchen


Always on the lookout for better organization and increased storage space in the kitchen, I was smitten by this ingenious feature being used in every style of kitchen. Pullout spice racks are becoming a staple in most, if not all, of our kitchen remodels and renovations. Our clients are getting their creative juices flowing, finding other multiple uses for this kitchen feature.


Obviously, using these babies to organize your spices and seasonings will make life a little bit sweeter — or spicier, depending on your taste buds’ preferences!

Storing canned vegetables and cooking oils can also work here depending on the width and depth of the pullout racks. You may want to carefully consider the exact placement of the racks to make this use even more convenient for you in the kitchen. Having us install them in an upper cabinet (as opposed to beside the stove/oven) can ease your mind when it comes to heat possibly ruining your spices and cooking oils. And there’s always the option of us installing one an the upper and lower cabinet!

Telling our designer and project coordinators how your everyday life works always helps us suggest these and other ingenious features. We have found that clients from busy moms to bachelors and even grandparents are loving and swear by their pullout spice racks! Get in touch today and see how CQC Home can help you find ingenious ways to enjoy your new dream kitchen.

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